Tuesday, December 14, 2010

-3 Endgame

For anyone out there who stumbled upon this: you're pretty creepy. For anyone else who INTENDED to end up at this site, you'll be happy to know that time has not dulled my sense of humor, rather in my unexplainable period of absence I have taken the liberty of sharpening my claws and melting gold plates onto my dragon army. The time has come for the world to burn. Beware...

In other news, the story is alive!!!! Back by (somewhat) popular demand, I have taken the liberty of not only adding the first 2 chapters but also beginning a new blog. Qwertyisstillevil.blogspot.com I have yet to post anything on it but keep watching and you'll see something by January.

Now for your daily bone: A conversation between two main characters before they go at it. Enjoy. XDE

"Can you really be that simple?" Zeke scoffed. "You can't beat me. Not now, not tomorrow, not a thousand years from now! The Guardians couldnt beat me with the Spirits of the Beginning and the End, so what makes you think you could do it?!"
Azariel held the motionless body of Mirika still, tears dropping down his face. At once the fighting stopped. The abandoned town was silent.
"Quilla. Noxem. Take her somewhere safe." The two borthers appeared instantly, slowly lifting Miraka's body from Azariel's hands.
"Where should we take her?" Noxem asked.
Azariel looked up. His eyes were completely black, and his face began to turn the same color as he replied, "As far away as you can."
Zeke laughed arrogantly. "If you think you can escape that easil.."
"Six Dimension Cannon."
The only thing that could be seen was the waves of disrupted dimension, and Zeke's body being sent up and then back down into the clowd of dust..

Thanks for reading~~ Leave cometns and Check out the next -Chapter! If i get ten followers I'll post chapters 1, 2, and 3!

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